Brussels/London/New York, 20 September 2022 – Euroclear is pleased to announce an investment in Impact Cubed, a leading provider of ESG techenabled analytics and data science solutions.
Across the financial industry, market participants are looking to increase their understanding of the sustainable impact of their investment strategies. To do this they need trusted, impartial data and analytical tools. Impact Cubed supports investors by enabling them to compare a security’s sustainability exposure, therefore allowing them to make more well informed investment decisions.
Euroclear, as a financial market infrastructure, has a unique role to play in sustainable finance by providing holistic, transparent data solutions to the market. Earlier this year, Euroclear took a strategic stake in the firm Greenomy, which supports issuers by digitising the data capture and reporting process to comply with EU sustainable finance legislation. With Greenomy’s issuer centric reporting capability and now Impact Cubed’s investor centric data capability, these highly complementary businesses are aligned to Euroclear’s objectives of connecting issuers and investors and integrating sustainable data and analytics into its ecosystem.
Libby Bernick, CEO Impact Cubed, said: “We are thrilled to have Euroclear as our strategic partner. Euroclear’s network and infrastructure will provide better transparency on the impact of investments across capital markets. Together with Euroclear, we aim to increase the adoption of tech-enabled approaches using factual ESG data to ensure investors gain better insights.”
Larry Abele, Impact Cubed founder, added: “Impact Cubed’s mission is to shift the flow of capital to more sustainable businesses, and our exciting new partnership will help achieve this, and with more impact.”
Lieve Mostrey, CEO Euroclear Group, commented: ”We are very pleased to be working with Impact Cubed. This solution will provide our clients with tangible metrics across the investment processing spectrum from issuers to investment managers. As a trusted financial market infrastructure, this service is aligned to our mission to provide leadership in sustainability in the financial markets.”
About Impact Cubed
Impact Cubed provides analytics and investment solutions for building more sustainable portfolios with greater impact. It combines an awardwinning approach to integrating impact into risk and return with technology- enhanced portfolio design and management. The outcome is a seamless approach to customized sustainable investing.
About Euroclear
Euroclear group is the financial industry’s trusted provider of post trade services. Guided by its purpose, Euroclear innovates to bring safety, efficiency and connections to financial markets for sustainable economic growth. Euroclear provides settlement and custody of domestic and cross-border securities for bonds, equities and derivatives, and investment funds. As a proven, resilient capital market infrastructure, Euroclear is committed to delivering risk-mitigation, automation and efficiency at scale for its global client franchise. The Euroclear group comprises Euroclear Bank, the International CSD, as well as Euroclear Belgium, Euroclear Finland, Euroclear France, Euroclear Nederland, Euroclear Sweden, Euroclear UK & International and MFEX by Euroclear.