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Analyse the real ESG impact of top global funds by just giving us a few details. Check your email for your password to log in.

Instantly access our online analytics platform 

Analyse the real ESG impact of top global funds by just giving us a few details. Check your email for your password to log in.

Unique datasets, from biodiversity to SDG alignment 

Analyse funds across multiple datasets including biodiversity, climate, corporate, SDG alignment and more.

Our data is used by leading institutions such as S&P Dow Jones Indices, JP Morgan and Euroclear.

Trusted data

One-click client reports with clear investment equivalents and impact illustrations to tell your impact story. 

Intuitive reports

For institutional & individual investors, climate-focused for TCFD reporting, EU regulatory reports for EU SFDR/PAI, Taxonomy, and Article 8 & 9.

Regulation ready

Covering biodiversity, climate, corporate factors, SDG alignment, sovereign debt, regulatory, 2,300+ product and service classifications and regional revenues.

Unique datasets

Built on quantitative data

Why Impact Cubed

See your fund universe in 3D 

Look at the risk, return and ESG impact of your fund selection in 3D space to easily select funds or managers that meet your criteria.

WHEB Asset Management

We’ve found Impact Cubed's data to be well-researched and reliable. The platform is user-friendly and allows us to deliver transparent and effective ESG reporting.


Real world impact

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