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当社は独自の優れた持続可能な投資商品を開発し、お客様に独自の商品を開発するようアドバイスしています。指数からカスタム ベンチマークまで、投資プロセスのあらゆるステップでサポートします。

iCubed 投資ソリューション

ESGファンドトップ3(1920 x 1080ピクセル)(2).jpg

当社の事実に基づく ESG データは、当社のビジネスの基盤です。ESG 格付けとは対照的に、当社のデータは事実に基づき、結果に基づいており、投資プロセスや意思決定ですぐに使用できるように要素化されています。


20 年前に設立された Impact Cubed は、ヘッジファンドから ESG 投資の先駆者へと変貌を遂げました。

Impact Cubed は、定量戦略と機械学習を活用して、事実に基づいた詳細な ESG データと投資ソリューションのギャップを埋めます。これにより、ESG データが実用的な洞察に変換され、収益を損なったり過度のリスクを負ったりすることなく、持続可能な投資が可能になります。

Impact Cubed は、効果的な資本配分が世界的な課題に対処できるという信念に基づいて設立されました。この信念と、豊富な資産管理経験、そして既存の持続可能な投資の限界に対する理解が相まって、先駆的なツールと方法論が生み出されました。当社の戦略は、インパクト投資が財務実績を犠牲にするという考えに異を唱え、資本を持続可能な未来に合わせるためのデータ主導のソリューションを提供します。




Larry Abele

Larry started his career at First Quadrant in 1996 working for Rob Arnott before joining Barclays Global Investors (now Blackrock) in the Advanced Active Strategies Research Group. His next role was at Deutsche Asset Management as Head of Quantitative Strategies, before founding Auriel Capital Management, a systematic macro and equity hedge fund.

Larry brings advanced quantitative portfolio management expertise to sustainable investing via the founding of Impact Cubed. Larry holds a MPhil in Financial Economics from the University of Cambridge.


Antti Savilaakso

Antti has over 15 years of experience in ESG and sustainability research for investment purposes at Nordea Asset Management in Helsinki,
Responsible Research (now Sustainalytics) in Singapore, Dexia (now Candriam) Asset
Management in Brussels and ABN AMRO Asset Management in Amsterdam.

Antti is a published author and widely featured speaker on ESG, and has contributed to the ESG investing community through his positions as PRI Co-chair of Reporting & Assessment committee, FINSIF chairman of the board.

CRO (Research)

Dr Arleta Majoch

Arleta brings over 10 years of experience in ESG academia and industry to the founding team of Impact Cubed. She holds a PhD in Finance with a focus on RI from ICMA Centre at Henley Business School and is a published academic author on ESG in institutional investment.

Before joining Impact Cubed she held ESG research and business positions at organisations such as the UNPRI, Aberdeen Asset Management, Economist Intelligence Unit, and MSCI. Arleta sits on the GRI Stakeholder Council as Investor Representative.


Aston Chan

Aston joined Impact Cubed in 2022 with over 20 years experience in quantitative investment management and research, across equities, fixed income and currencies. Aston started his career at Deutsche Asset Management in 2002 in the Quantitative Strategies Group.  This was followed by senior portfolio management positions in two hedge funds and the founding of AMAC Research.

Aston holds a MSc in Finance from the London Business School.

CIO, Head of Investment Solutions

Antonia Lim

Joining Impact Cubed in 2025, Antonia is a distinguished global cross-asset investment leader with nearly 25 years of experience transforming investments and businesses. Antonia began her career at Kleinwort Benson and Dresdner Bank (now Commerzbank), before going on to become Global Head of Quantitative Research at Barclays and then Head of Quantamental Investments at Schroders.​

Antonia holds a Masters in Physics from the University of Oxford and is a member of the CFA Research and Policy Centre's Technical Committee.​



Jennie Baruxakis

Head of Asset Owner & Consultant Relations

Jennie heads up asset owner and consultant relations with over twenty years of industry experience. Prior to joining Impact Cubed, she led asset owner and consultant relations at the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) for 15 years. Jennie's expertise lies in assisting asset owners in aligning their investment and sustainability objectives seamlessly.

Kim Pilgaard

Consultant - EU

Kim brings over 35 years of experience in the European asset management industry to Impact Cubed, with a solid background that spans several senior investment and sales roles. A Master in Political Science from the University of Aarhus laid the foundation for his career, which includes leadership positions at Nordea Asset Management and Danske Invest.

As an independent advisor since 2021, and now representing Impact Cubed in Denmark, Kim’s extensive experience and deep understanding of the investment landscape adds to our collective expertise, pioneering sustainable investment strategies that align with our clients’ values and goals.

Owen Thiers

Consultant - EU

Owen's post-master's degree in Financial Sciences from Antwerp University and a Master in Business Economics from Brussels University set the stage for over 25 years in investment management. His consultancy work for clients such as Hermes Private Equity and Actis, along with sales leadership at Citigroup and Deutsche Bank, underscores his substantial industry knowledge.

At Impact Cubed, Owen’s experience supports our mission to provide innovative ESG solutions to institutional investors, drawing on a career that spans asset management and financial advisory services.

Alexandre Cavé

Consultant - EU

Alexandre's rich educational background, spanning law and international relations from the Université de Toulon, University of Essex, and the University of Warwick, sets the foundation for his role at Impact Cubed. With certifications in Investment Management and ESG Investing from the CFA Institute, Alexandre brings a multidisciplinary approach to sustainable investment strategies.

His tenure as a Senior Relationship Manager at Citywire and Morningstar Investment Management in Europe honed his expertise in developing relationships with professional investors, driving business development, and promoting investment management and advisory capabilities. At Impact Cubed, Alex enhances our engagement with french-speaking European clients, offering deep insights into data, ratings, and sustainable investment practices.

Jack Moffat

Consultant - UK

Beginning his career at FactSet, Jack developed a deep understanding of financial data analytics, specialising in front office solutions. His expertise spans portfolio monitoring, risk management systems, order management systems, deep sector analysis, and ESG data workflows, including proxy voting and engagement tracking across the UK and EMEA. As an Account Executive, Jack drove new business and expanded FactSet's presence.

Certified in ESG Investing by the CFA, Jack is poised to guide asset managers, owners, and wealth managers towards operational excellence and sustainable investing practices.

Greg Neumann

Consultant - US

Greg’s career spans over four decades in asset management and investment banking, enriched by an MBA in Finance from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Colgate University. His expertise was shaped by roles at Karis Capital, Auriel Capital, and Alstra Capital, along with extensive experience at Deutsche Asset Management and Morgan Stanley across global markets.

At Impact Cubed, Greg leverages his deep understanding of institutional sales and marketing to drive our commitment to sustainable investing, bringing a rich global perspective to our strategies.

Mikael Fast

Consultant - EU

Mikael's journey in finance began at Hanken School of Economics, where he achieved a Master of Science degree. His career path took him from a senior assistant at the Department of Finance to significant roles in client management and private banking at SEB/Gyllenberg Asset Management, leading to becoming Head of Private Banking at Evli and then OP Bank. At Nordea Asset Management, Mikael excelled in institutional sales across the Nordic countries, bringing his wealth of experience to Impact Cubed as a Partner in 2021.

Mikael's foundational work in sustainable investing, underscored by his co-founding of Finsif and ongoing commitment to its nomination committee, aligns with Impact Cubed’s vision of integrating ESG principles into every investment strategy.

Impact Cubed では、持続可能な資本主義と責任ある投資を実践することで、地球上で繁栄するという共通の目標に取り組んでいます。


    • 個人の成長とワークライフバランスを可能にする職場環境を提供します。

    • 私たちの事業活動による環境への影響を削減し、避けられない影響を相殺します。

    • 経済的インセンティブと柔軟な勤務時間を通じて持続可能な通勤を奨励します。

    • 教育と、イベントではベジタリアン料理のみを提供する方針、出張中はベジタリアン食のみを支給するという方針を通じて、全従業員に植物由来の食事を奨励します。

    • 所得の再分配、有害な補助金の廃止、外部性と天然資源の使用に対する課税、責任ある広告を促進する政策を支持します。

    • UN PRIやCeresなど、持続可能で責任ある投資を促進する団体を支援します。

    • 最新の投資分析とポートフォリオエンジニアリング技術を使用して、持続可能性の低い企業から持続可能性の高い企業に資本を決定的に配分します。

    • 絶対収益を犠牲にすることなく、受託者責任を厳格に認識します。

    • 責任ある投資を促進する研究とツールで業界を前進させます。

    • 持続可能な金融システムへの移行をサポートします。

    • 投資業界が持続可能かつ責任ある運営を実現できることを示す模範となるよう、自らの業務をこのように遂行します。

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