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Making biodiversity investable

Impact Cubed partners with MerQube to launch industry-leading impact indices, starting with biodiversity.

Research backed

Aligned to four key biodiversity drivers

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) found direct drivers that accounted for more than 90% of nature loss in the past 50 years.

The thematic index selects companies that have a minimum 50% positive biodiversity revenue-alignment across the IPBES drivers.

  • Half of all habitable land today has been converted and cleared for agriculture and livestock.

    The index has 23% more of its revenues aligned with preserving land and sea use than the broad market benchmark.

  • Coral reefs are projected to decline by a further 70% to 90% at 1.5°C of warming, with larger losses (>99%) at 2ºC.

    The index has 58% more of its revenues aligned to limiting climate change  than the broad market benchmark.

  • 93% of fish stocks today are fished at or beyond maximum sustainable levels.

    The index has revenue from activities that are aligned to 8% less natural resource exploitation than the broad market benchmark.

  • Globally, around 115 million tonnes of mineral nitrogen fertilizers are applied to croplands each year; a fifth of these nitrogen inputs accumulate in soils and biomass, while 35% enter the oceans.

    The index has 60% greater alignment with revenue sources that generate lower pollution levels than the broad market benchmark.

More impactful


We analysed four biodiversity funds from prominent global asset managers. Our findings revealed that three of these funds did not outperform the MSCI World index in terms of biodiversity impact, and two of the funds had an even worse impact than the -15% aligned benchmark.

In contrast, our index demonstrates a strong commitment to biodiversity, with over 85% of its revenues contributing positively to biodiversity impact.



portfolio revenues aligned to positive biodiversity drivers
(versus -15% alignment from MSCI World)

Beyond bees and trees

Analyse the impact

Submit a few details to gain access to our online analytics platform so you can explore the impact of the biodiversity index yourself.

The details

Selection and rebalancing

The index is rebalanced quarterly according to a rule-based approach

  • Large & Mid Cap Stocks from Global Developed Markets

  • Companies with a minimum 50% positive biodiversity alignment across the four investable IPBES drivers are selected. Companies with over 25% negative biodiversity alignment are excluded.

  • Exclude companies that are in Violation of the UNGC principles or OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises - including controversial weapons

  • Minimum market cap of $2bn and Minimum average daily value traded of USD 5mn over preceding 3 months

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Our data is used by leading institutions such as S&P Dow Jones Indices, JP Morgan and Euroclear.

Trusted data

One-click client reports with clear investment equivalents and impact illustrations to tell your impact story. 

Intuitive reports

For institutional & individual investors, climate-focused for TCFD reporting, EU regulatory reports for EU SFDR/PAI, Taxonomy, and Article 8 & 9.

Regulation ready

Covering biodiversity, climate, corporate factors, SDG alignment, sovereign debt, regulatory, 2,300+ product and service classifications and regional revenues.

Unique datasets

Built on quantitative data

Why Impact Cubed

We’ve found Impact Cubed's data to be well-researched and reliable. The platform is user-friendly and allows us to deliver transparent and effective ESG reporting.


We utilize their corporate factor data and industry-leading SDG alignment data to build robust client reports on a quarterly basis.


Impact Cubed enables the integration of ESG across the entire pension plan value chain. It’s an end-to-end solution that ensures impact is deliberately woven into the very fabric of investment strategies.

PBI Actuarial Consultants

Online demo

Explore our data instantly

Explore a selection of top global funds on our online analytics platform. No forms, no fuss. Just insight.


Real world impact

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